Monday, December 28, 2009

With Christ in the vessel

we can smile =) at the storm
as we go sailing home!

=) So much has happened and it is indeed a storm that we are experiencing right now. But I'm still happy and thankful for the rain. =) For it gives life and encourages growth!

heehe..I can't describe what has been happening but let's just say that my prayers are being answered and I still need to stick it through to the end which is this NYeve to know the final outcome - God's will.

I know for a fact that it is His will for me to be here, where I am right now, but for His other wills regarding him, hrrmmm..let's pray that he is able to come around. =)

I still have faith and I still believe. What's different now is that I finally know the truth. Not just me but her and him. I can now boldly face the world and myself with no regrets. I have no shame for I have done no wrong. No one can fault me where I believe I am blameless and pure in this matter and God can be my witness. =)

Things can go any directions and no matter how it turns out to be, I will be happy and I will still praise Him who is always faithful and righteous. He has started giving me the justice and righteousness He promised and I can't thank Him enough. Not only that, I may win a true friend, a sister in Christ along the way which is an awesome plus.

I'm so grateful for everything, the good, bad and certainly ugly. For it is through these that we find God in every corner, being next to us, helping us get through every bit of it and occasionally carrying us when we have no strength to go on.

3 more days. =) 3 more wonderful days. No matter how it will be, I know I will be free. =) For He has set me free with the truth.

"..Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you..The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?..Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." - Hebrews 13:5,6,8

Thank you Lord =)


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