Saturday, December 26, 2009

It doesn't matter

Doesnt matter how things are now, how broken a relationship is, I will still believe that it is good and whole.

I'll still rejoice in the Lord and yes be in denial. I guess I should really buck up and put everything behind me and finally learn to pick myself up.

I love you. And the only way it can work is finally realizing my issues myself and not expect anyone to rescue me. I know I have committed it all to God and He has been guiding and shielding me but I'm now an adult so I need to put an end to my childish ways. So..

Be Happy.
Think Happy.
Act Happy.
and even if I had to lie,
my actions will force me to be happy and
I'll really be Happy.=)

I got his Twilight book so can occupy myself a little more. Plus, it's about time I really start to love myself and treat me right. Why would he do that if I don't even treasure myself. He keeps telling me that he likes independent girls which is what I was when we met. I so need to get myself back. I know he still needs to be responsible for all the damages but I suppose when love is in, faults are out. =) So, tomorrow, mani + pedi! =) Yes! and shopping with M.Y on Tuesday!(hopefully)

I will always count my blessings from now on. Even in despair, I will only look at the brighter side cos things could have been worse. Discouragement grows anywhere except where a grateful heart is. So trust in the Lord to take care of what I don't have.

"Trust in the Lord and do good;..Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:3-4

Most importantly, "Understand and know that He is the Lord who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these He delights."- Jeremiah 9:24. So I shouldn't worry that he's going to be doing unrighteousness things behind my back with her. *sigh* I really shouldn't judge but God will give me my justice and righteousness!

*muaks* Thank you Lord for the peace. I know I have done it again. =)

Thank you. *hugs*

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